We use AI to gather real searches on the MLS, providing expert guidance to make your home searching experience stress-free and efficient.
We prequalify homes automatically at the approval of the listing agent, ensuring you only visit properties that match your criteria and are ready.
We handle all the searches and applications for rental homes, assisting you until the rental closing process.
Yes. After finding a suitable property on our platform, you must contact the listing agent directly to schedule a visit. We provide their contact info.
We’re a rental-focused service using AI and MLS to help you search for properties and prequalify them. We simplify finding suitable homes, but we do not handle legal contracts or paperwork.
No. We charge a one-time flat fee of $25 to cover our platform costs and provide a seamless rental experience.
We’re transforming the rental market by using AI and MLS listings for a seamless experience. Our platform focuses on helping renters find the ideal home without the typical complications of the process. We only assist with property searches and prequalification, making your rental journey simple and efficient.